class: left, top, title-slide
Dealing with Missing Values in Multivariate Joint Models for Longitudinal and Survival Data
IBC2022 Riga, July 2022
Nicole Erler
Erasmus Medical Center
--- count: false layout: true <div class="my-footer"><span> <a href=""><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i> N_Erler</a>      <a href=""><i class="fab fa-github"></i> NErler</a>      <a href = ""><i class="fas fa-globe-americas"></i></a> </span></div> --- count: false ## Conflict of Interest <br><br> I have no current or past relationships with commercial entities. ??? I do not have any conflicts of interest. --- ## Motivation: Chronic Hepatitis C * N `\(\approx\)` 700 patients with chronic hepatitis C * follow-up: `\(\leq\)` 38 years * several **baseline variables**: * age, sex, smoking, BMI, ... * **0 - 19% missing values**   ⇨ 66% complete cases ??? This project is motivated by a study in patients with a **chronic hepatitis C infection**. In many patients, the hepatitis has caused severe liver damage, and they will need a transplant. In light of the scarcity of donor organs, it is important to **identify factors that indicate a patient's risk** for liver failure. We have observational data from approx. **700 patients**. In this data, several **variables are only measured once**, at baseline. This includes the patient's **age at baseline** and **sex** and the **year of diagnosis**, as well as variables like **alcohol consumption**, **smoking**, or **BMI**, which could change over time, but were only measured once. In some of these variables, we have **missing values** for **up to 19% of the patients**. If we'd **exclude** everyone with missing values in these variables, we would **lose about a third of the data**. - - - -- * multiple **biomarkers**<br> (repeatedly measured) <img src="figures/plot_nobs.png", width = "650", style="position:absolute; bottom:45px; right:60px;"> ??? We also have several **biomarkers** that are **repeatedly measured**, but since the data is not from a prospective study, the measurements are **very irregular**. The number of measurements per patient is shown here in the histogram. The **median** number of measurement times per patient is **15**, but there are a few patients with just **one single observation** and even one patient with **> 700 measurement** occasions. --- ## Missing Biomarker Values <img src="figures/HCVlongmissing.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ??? In the **plots** here, you see the trajectories of 6 different biomarkers of interest for 7 patients. The values are standardized to have similar scales for the purpose of this visualization. In many cases, the biomarkers are **measured at the same time points**, but it also happens that one biomarker value is missing or was measured at another time. Observations that we would loose if we'd **restrict our data** to only those time points at which all 6 markers are measured are shown as transparent. For the full dataset, this would result in the loss of 50% of the biomarker observations. [2:00 min] --- ## Multivariate Joint Model **Proportional hazards model** for time until event: `$$h_i(t) = h_0(t)\;\exp\left(\underset{\substack{\text{time}\\\text{constant}} }{\underbrace{\mathbf x_i^\top \boldsymbol\beta^{(tc)}}} + \underset{\text{time varying}}{\underbrace{\sum_{k=1}^K \eta_{ki}(t)^\top\beta^{(tv)}_k}}\right)$$` ??? To analyse this data, we'd like to use a multivariate joint model. This model consists of **two parts**, a **proportional hazards** model for the time-to-event outcome and a **multivariate mixed model** for the longitudinal biomarkers. The **proportional hazards** model has the usual form. In the linear predictor, we have some variables that are **time constant**, our baseline covariates, and we have the **time-varying biomarker values**. - - - -- **Longitudinal (mixed) model** for each biomarker `\(k = 1, ... K\)`: `\begin{align*} \mathbb E(y_{ki}(t)\mid \mathbf b_{ki}) &= \eta_{ki}(t)\\ &= \underset{\text{fixed effects}}{\underbrace{\mathbf x_{ki}(t)^\top\boldsymbol\beta^{(k)}}} + \underset{\text{random effects}}{\underbrace{\mathbf z_{ki}(t)^\top \mathbf b_{ki}}} \qquad\scriptsize\text{with } \begin{pmatrix}\mathbf b_{1i}\\\vdots\\\mathbf b_{Ki}\end{pmatrix} \sim N(\mathbf 0, \mathbf D) \end{align*}` ??? Each biomarker is modelled using a mixed model. - - - -- <div style = "border: solid 3pt var(--nord14); width: 270px; height: 130px; position: absolute; right: 170px; bottom: 65px;"> </div> ??? The **random effects** of the models for the different biomarkers are **modelled jointly** in a multivariate normal distribution. - - - -- <div style = "border: solid 10pt var(--nordbg); width: 255px; height: 115px; position: absolute; right: 168px; bottom: 63px;"> </div> <div style = "border: solid 3pt var(--nord14); width: 80px; height: 60px; position: absolute; left: 405px; bottom: 172px;"> </div> <div style = "position: absolute; top: 170px; right: 430px; color: var(--nord14); font-weight: 500; font-size: 3rem;"> ⇩ </div> ??? By using the linear predictors `\(\eta\)` of the longitudinal models as covariates in the time-to-event model, we assume that the underlying value of the biomarkers, which may be measured with error, is associated with the risk of an event at the same time point. It is, of course, possible to assume different association structures, for example, a time lag or a cumulative effect, but since the focus here is on the missing values, we'll keep it simple. --- count: false ## Multivariate Joint Model **Proportional hazards model** for time until event: `$$h_i(t) = h_0(t)\;\exp\left(\underset{\substack{\text{time}\\\text{constant}} }{\underbrace{\bbox[#3B4252, 2px]{\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_i}^\top} \boldsymbol\beta^{(tc)}}} + \underset{\text{time varying}}{\underbrace{\sum_{k=1}^K \eta_{ki}(t)^\top\beta^{(tv)}_k}}\right)$$` **Longitudinal (mixed) model** for each biomarker `\(k = 1, ... K\)`: `\begin{align*} \mathbb E(y_{ki}(t)\mid \mathbf b_{ki}) &= \eta_{ki}(t)\\ &= \underset{\text{fixed effects}}{\underbrace{\bbox[#3B4252, 2px]{\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_{ki}(t)}^\top}\boldsymbol\beta^{(k)}}} + \underset{\text{random effects}}{\underbrace{\mathbf z_{ki}(t)^\top \mathbf b_{ki}}} \qquad\scriptsize\text{with } \begin{pmatrix}\mathbf b_{1i}\\\vdots\\\mathbf b_{Ki}\end{pmatrix} \sim N(\mathbf 0, \mathbf D) \end{align*}` ??? In both model parts, we might want to use **baseline covariates**. However, in our motivating data, those variables **have missing values**. The missing values in the longitudinal biomarkers are not that interesting at this point because we are fitting models for those variables anyway. And under ignorable missingness, the mixed models we use provide unbiased estimates. But for the missing baseline covariate values, we need to perform some sort of imputation. [3:22 min] --- ## Imputation of Missing Values .footnote[ [<i class = "fas fa-book"></i> Rubin (2004)]( ] **Rubin (in the 1970s):** * **uncertainty** about the missing value * some values **more likely** than others * relationship with **other** available **data** ??? The basic ideas about imputation go back to Donald Rubin and his work in the 1960s and 70s. The important issue in working with missing values is the **uncertainty** about what the value would have been. And so we **can't just pick** a single value and fill it in because then we would ignore this uncertainty. But we have some knowledge about the missing values. Usually, some values will be more likely than others, and often there is a relationship between the incomplete variable and the other data. - - - -- <div style = "position: absolute; right: 60px; top: 140px; width: 500px;"> <strong>⇨</strong> missing values have a <strong>distribution</strong> <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <!-- <img src="figures/ImpDens.png", height = 250, style = "margin: auto; display: block;"> --> </div> ??? So, it makes sense to assume that missing values have a distribution and that we need a model to describe how an incomplete variable is related to the other data. - - - - -- <br><br><br> .hlgt-box[ Impute from the **predictive distribution** of the missing values given the observed values: `$$p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}\mid \mathbf X_{obs})$$` ] ??? And this means that we can impute the missing values by **sampling from the predictive distribution of the missing values conditional on the observed data**. [4:00 min] --- ## Multivariate Missingness .flex-grid[ .col[ <div style = "text-align: center; margin-bottom: 25px; font-weight: 600;"> Multivariate<br>Missingness</div> <table class="simpletable2"> <tr> <th></th> <th>\(\mathbf y\)</th> <th>\(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_1}\)</th> <th>\(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_2}\)</th> <th>\(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_3}\)</th> <th>\(\ldots\)</th> </tr> <tr><td></td><td colspan = "5"; style = "padding: 0px;"><hr /></td><tr> <td class="rownr"></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td style="color: var(--nord15);"><i class = "fas fa-question"></i></td> <th>\(\ldots\)</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="rownr">\(i\)</td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td style="color: var(--nord15);"><i class = "fas fa-question"></i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <th>\(\ldots\)</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="rownr"></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td style="color: var(--nord15);"><i class = "fas fa-question"></i></td> <td style="color: var(--nord15);"><i class = "fas fa-question"></i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <th>\(\ldots\)</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="rownr"></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <th>\(\ldots\)</th> </tr> <tr> <td class = "rownr"></td> <td>\(\vdots\)</td> <td>\(\vdots\)</td> <td>\(\vdots\)</td> <td>\(\vdots\)</td> <td></td> </tr> </table> <br> <div style = "display: block; margin: auto;"> <ul class = "arrowlist"> <li>\(p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}\mid \mathbf X_{obs})\) is<br> <strong>multivariate</strong></li> </ul> </div> ] .col[ {{content}} ] ] ??? In practice, we usually have missing values in multiple variables, which means that this **predictive distribution is multivariate**. - - - -- <p style = "margin-top: -10px;"> When covariates are of <strong>mixed type</strong>:<br> <span class = "red bold">no closed form</span>. </p> <div style = "width: 630px;"> ⇨ approximate \(p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}\mid \mathbf X_{obs})\) </div> {{content}} <br> <i class="fas fa-exclamation-triangle fa-2x" style = "color: var(--nord11); position: absolute; top: 150px; right: 720px;"></i> ??? When we also have covariates of mixed type, meaning continuous and categorical, this multivariate distribution does not have a closed-form, and so we need to approximate it. - - - -- **Most common approach:**<br> <span class = "n4"> <span class = "n6 bold">M</span><span class = "s">ultivariate</span> <span class = "n6 bold">I</span><span class = "s">mputation by</span> <span class = "n6 bold">C</span><span class = "s">hained</span> <span class = "n6 bold">E</span><span class = "s">quations</span> </span><br> <span class = "n4"> <span class = "n6 bold">F</span><span class = "s">ully</span> <span class = "n6 bold">C</span><span class = "s">onditional</span> <span class = "n6 bold">S</span><span class = "s">pecification</span> </span><br> Based on the idea of the **Gibbs sampler**<br> ⇨ iterative sampling from the **full-conditionals**: <div class = "s"> \begin{alignat}{10} \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_1} &= \theta^{(1)}_0 &+& \theta^{(1)}_1 \mathbf y &+& \theta^{(1)}_2 \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_2} &+& \theta^{(1)}_3 \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_3} &+& \ldots &+& \boldsymbol\varepsilon \\ \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_2} &= \theta^{(2)}_0 &+& \theta^{(2)}_1 \mathbf y &+& \theta^{(2)}_2 \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_1} &+& \theta^{(2)}_3 \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_3} &+& \ldots &+& \boldsymbol\varepsilon \\ \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_3} &= \theta_0^{(3)} &+& \theta_1^{(3)} \mathbf y &+& \theta_2^{(3)} \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_1} &+& \theta_3^{(3)} \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_2} &+& \ldots &+& \boldsymbol\varepsilon \end{alignat} </div> {{content}} ??? The most common approach to handle such multivariate missingness is the MICE algorithm, which is also called imputation using a **fully conditional specification** because that is exactly what it does. It follows the idea of the Gibbs sampler to obtain a sample from the multivariate distribution by iterative sampling from the full conditional distribution of each of the incomplete variables. **In practice**, these full conditionals are typically specified using **regression models** that include **all other variables in the linear predictor**. An implication of this is that we assume linear associations between the dependent variables, here, the incomplete variables, and the independent variables, in our case the other covariates and the response of our analysis model of interest. [5:15 min] --- ## Non-linear Associations * .bold[true association]: non-linear * .bold.n7[imputation assumption]: linear <img src="figures/p_obs.png", height = 350, style = "position: absolute; right: 226px; bottom: 97px;"> ??? But that is, of course, not always the case. We might, for example, have a quadratic association between the response `\(y\)` and the incomplete covariate `\(x_1\)`. - - - -- <img src="figures/p_imp.png", height = 350, style = "position: absolute; right: 226px; bottom: 97px;"> ??? If we now impute missing values in `\(x_1\)` using a standard regression model, all the imputed values follow a linear relationship. - - - -- <div style = "position: absolute; right: 380px; top: 120px;"> <span style="font-size: 56pt; position: relative; right: 110px; bottom: 20px;">} ⇨</span> <span style = "color: var(--nord11); font-size: 1.2rem; font-weight: bold; position: relative; bottom: 30px; right: 100px;"> bias!</span> </div> <img src="figures/p_bias.png", height = 350, style = "position: absolute; right: 226px; bottom: 97px;"> ??? And even if we correctly assume the non-linear association in the analysis model that we fit on the imputed data, we will get biased results. I'm talking about a quadratic effect here because I can visualize it more easily than the non-linear relationship implied by the survival part of our joint model. --- ## Time-to-Event Outcomes (Simple) **Proportional Hazards Model:** `$$h_i(t) = h_0(t) \exp\left(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_i}^\top \boldsymbol\beta^{(tc)}\right)$$` **Likelihood** `$$p(T_i, \delta_i \mid \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_i}, \boldsymbol\beta^{(tc)}) = \left[h_0(T_i) \exp \left\{ \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_i} \boldsymbol\beta^{(tc)}\right\}\right]^{\delta_i} \exp \left[-\int_0^{T_i} h_0(s)\exp\left( \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_i} \boldsymbol\beta^{(tc)}\right)ds\right]$$` ??? But we can see the issue when we look at this simple proportional hazards model (I've excluded the time-varying part for now) and the corresponding likelihood for a subject `\(i\)`. This likelihood describes a complex and non-linear relationship between the response (in this case, the event time `\(T\)` and event indicator `\(\delta\)`) and incomplete covariates `\(x\)`. - - - -- <p class = "smallbreak"> </p>[Inconsistent] with the (naive) imputation model: `$$\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_1} = \theta_0 + \theta_1 \mathbf T + \theta_2 \boldsymbol \delta + \theta_3 \mathbf x_2 + \ldots$$` .footnote[ [<i class = "fas fa-file-alt"></i> White & Royston (2009)]( [<i class = "fas fa-file-alt"></i> Bartlett et al. (2015)]( ] ??? But the regression model we would use to impute values in, say `\(x_1\)`, would look like this and imply a linear association. This inconsistency between the analysis model and imputation model will result in bias. [6:30 min] --- ## Multi-level Data .footnote[ [<i class = "fas fa-file-alt"></i> Erler et al. (2016)]( ] .flex-grid[ .col[ <div style = "width: 780px;"></div> For example: `$$p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\text{sex}} \mid \text{age}, ..., \underset{\text{time varying}}{\underbrace{\text{ALT}, \text{AST}, ...}})$$` {{content}} ] .col[ <table class="simpletable2"> <tr> <th></th> <th>age</th> <th>sex</th> <th>time</th> <th>ALT</th> <th>AST</th> <th>\(\ldots\)</th> </tr> <tr><td></td><td colspan = "5"; style = "padding: 0px;"><hr /></td><tr> <td class="rownr"></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td>\(\ldots\)</td> </tr> <td class="rownr"></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td>\(\ldots\)</td> </tr> <tr class="hlgt-row"> <td class="rownr">\(i\)</td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td style="color: var(--nord15);"><i class = "fas fa-question"></i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td>\(\ldots\)</td> </tr> <tr class = "hlgt-row"> <td class="rownr">\(i\)</td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td style="color: var(--nord15);"><i class = "fas fa-question"></i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td style="color: var(--nord15);"><i class = "fas fa-question"></i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td>\(\ldots\)</td> </tr> <tr class = "hlgt-row"> <td class="rownr">\(i\)</td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td style="color: var(--nord15);"><i class = "fas fa-question"></i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td>\(\ldots\)</td> </tr> <td class="rownr"></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td>\(\ldots\)</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="rownr"></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td style="color: var(--nord15);"><i class = "fas fa-question"></i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td>\(\ldots\)</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="rownr"></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td><i class = "fas fa-check"</i></td> <td>\(\ldots\)</td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "rownr"></td> <td>\(\vdots\)</td> <td>\(\vdots\)</td> <td>\(\vdots\)</td> <td>\(\vdots\)</td> <td>\(\vdots\)</td> <td></td> </tr> </table> ] ] ??? But also the other component of our data, the **longitudinally measured biomarkers, give us an additional challenge** when dealing with the missing values in the baseline covariates. Because we have **unbalanced** biomarker measurements, our data is in **long format** where multiple rows belong to the same patient. To impute missing values in baseline covariates, for example, in `sex`, we need the distribution of that covariate, conditional on everything else, which includes the longitudinally measured biomarker values, for example, `AST` and `ALT`. Given that `sex` does not change over time, the imputed values should also all be the same in the rows belonging to the same patient. - - - -- <i class = "fas fa-bolt red"></i> time-varying imputations for time-constant covariates!<br> <i class = "fas fa-bolt red"></i> ignore correlation between repeated observations? {{content}} ??? If we would now apply the MICE algorithm to our data in long format, we'd get **time-varying imputations for the time-constant covariates**. And if we're not careful, we **might also ignore** that rows belonging to the same patient are **correlated**. - - - -- <ul class = "arrowlist"> <li> <strong>Average</strong> imputed values?</li> <li> <strong>Summarize</strong> time-varying variables ⇨ wide format?</li> </ul> <p class = "smallbreak"> </p> Imputation of baseline covariates is not straightforward. ??? So what could we do? We could try to **average the repeated imputations** of baseline covariates, but that would imply that all biomarker values are equally related to baseline variables, irrespective of when they were measured (and in our data we have follow-up of more than 20 years...). Or we could somehow **summarize time-varying variables** to get our data into wide format. But neither strategy really captures the hierarchical structure of the data. [7:45 min] --- ## Non-linear Associations & Multi-level * non-linear associations * multi-level data <div style="font-size: 56pt; position: absolute; left: 430px; top: 100px;">}</div> <div style = "position: absolute; right: 280px; top: 120px; width: 450px;"> Direct specification of <strong>appropriate full-conditionals</strong> is difficult! </div> ??? So, in summary, because our time-to-event component implies complex non-linear associations and we have multi-level data, it is not straightforward to specify appropriate full-conditional distributions to impute incomplete covariates. The imputation models typically specified in the MICE algorithm will, in this case, not result in a joint distribution that approximates the correct multivariate distribution of the missing values given the observed values sufficiently well. - - - -- <br> **Bayes Theorem:** `\begin{align} p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}, \boldsymbol\theta \mid \mathbf y, \mathbf X_{obs}) = \frac{p(\mathbf y, \mathbf X_{obs} \mid \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}, \boldsymbol\theta)\; p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}, \boldsymbol\theta)}{p\left(\mathbf y, \mathbf X_{obs}\right)} &\propto \underset{\text{joint distribution}}{\underbrace{p(\mathbf y, \mathbf X_{obs}, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}, \boldsymbol\theta)}} \end{align}` ??? And so, in the Bayesian approach, we go a different route. From Bayes theorem, we can derive that the posterior distribution of the missing values and parameters `\(\theta\)` is proportional to the joint distribution of all our data, observed and unobserved, and the parameters. I use `\(y\)` here to represent the response of an analysis model of interest, whatever that might be. - - - -- <br> This joint distribution does not have a closed form either **⇨ factorization!** ??? This joint distribution does not have a closed-form either, but we can specify it conveniently as a product of conditional distributions. [8:30 min] --- ## Factorization of the Joint Distribution <br> `$$p(\mathbf y, \mathbf X_{obs}, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}, \boldsymbol\theta) = p(\mathbf y \mid \mathbf X_{obs}, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}, \boldsymbol\theta)\;\; p(\mathbf X_{obs}, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}\mid \boldsymbol\theta)\;\; p(\boldsymbol\theta)$$` ??? We can, for instance, split it into the distribution for the response `\(y\)` conditional on the covariates, the distribution of the covariates, observed and missing, and the distribution of the parameter vector `\(\boldsymbol\theta\)`. - - - -- <div style = "position: relative; top: -60px; background-color: var(--nordbg);"> \[ p(\mathbf y, \mathbf X_{obs}, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}, \boldsymbol\theta) = \underset{\text{analysis model}}{\underbrace{p(\mathbf y \mid \mathbf X_{obs}, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}, \boldsymbol\theta)}}\;\; \underset{\text{covariate model(s)}}{\underbrace{p(\mathbf X_{obs}, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}\mid \boldsymbol\theta)}}\;\; \underset{\text{priors}}{\underbrace{p(\boldsymbol\theta)}} \] </div> ??? By factorizing the joint distribution like this, we have written it as the product of our analysis model, a model for the covariates, and the prior distributions for the parameters. The nice thing about this division is that it works irrespective of how complex our analysis model of interest is. - - - -- <p class = "smallbreak"> </p> **(Multivariate) joint model for longitudinal and survival data:** `$$p(\mathbf T, \boldsymbol\delta, \mathbf y, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X}, \mathbf b, \boldsymbol\theta) = \underset{\text{analysis model}}{\underbrace{ \underset{\substack{\text{survival}\\\text{model}}}{\underbrace{ p(\mathbf T, \boldsymbol\delta \mid \mathbf b, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X}, \boldsymbol \theta)}}\;\; \underset{\substack{\text{(multivariate)}\\\text{longitudinal}\\\text{model}}}{\underbrace{ p(\mathbf y \mid \mathbf b, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X}, \boldsymbol\theta)\; p(\mathbf b\mid \boldsymbol \theta)}} }}\; \bbox[#242933, 3pt, border: 2px solid #242933]{\underset{\substack{\text{covariate}\\\text{models}}}{\underbrace{ p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X} \mid \boldsymbol\theta)}}}\; \underset{\text{priors}}{\underbrace{p(\boldsymbol\theta)}}$$` ??? For example, for our multivariate joint model, the analysis model consists of multiple parts, the time-to-event sub-model and the model for the longitudinal biomarkers, which also involves the specification of the distribution of the random effects `\(\mathbf b\)`. --- count: false ## Factorization of the Joint Distribution <br> `$$p(\mathbf y, \mathbf X_{obs}, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}, \boldsymbol\theta) = p(\mathbf y \mid \mathbf X_{obs}, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}, \boldsymbol\theta)\;\; p(\mathbf X_{obs}, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}\mid \boldsymbol\theta)\;\; p(\boldsymbol\theta)$$` <div style = "position: relative; top: -60px; background-color: var(--nordbg);"> \[ p(\mathbf y, \mathbf X_{obs}, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}, \boldsymbol\theta) = \underset{\text{analysis model}}{\underbrace{p(\mathbf y \mid \mathbf X_{obs}, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}, \boldsymbol\theta)}}\;\; \underset{\text{covariate model(s)}}{\underbrace{p(\mathbf X_{obs}, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}}\mid \boldsymbol\theta)}}\;\; \underset{\text{priors}}{\underbrace{p(\boldsymbol\theta)}} \] </div> <p class = "smallbreak"> </p> **(Multivariate) joint model for longitudinal and survival data:** `$$p(\mathbf T, \boldsymbol\delta, \mathbf y, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X}, \mathbf b, \boldsymbol\theta) = \underset{\text{analysis model}}{\underbrace{ \underset{\substack{\text{survival}\\\text{model}}}{\underbrace{ p(\mathbf T, \boldsymbol\delta \mid \mathbf b, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X}, \boldsymbol \theta)}}\;\; \underset{\substack{\text{(multivariate)}\\\text{longitudinal}\\\text{model}}}{\underbrace{ p(\mathbf y \mid \mathbf b, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X}, \boldsymbol\theta)\; p(\mathbf b\mid \boldsymbol \theta)}} }}\; \bbox[#2E3440, 3pt, border: 2px solid #88C0D0]{\underset{\substack{\text{covariate}\\\text{models}}}{\underbrace{ p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X} \mid \boldsymbol\theta)}}}\; \underset{\text{priors}}{\underbrace{p(\boldsymbol\theta)}}$$` ??? Most of this is straightforward to specify because it is the same that we'd need to specify when doing a Bayesian analysis on complete data. The only extra thing we need to do is specify the distribution of the covariates. --- ## Covariate Models <i class="fas fa-exclamation-triangle" style="color: var(--nord11);"></i> When `\(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X}\)` is multivariate & of mixed type ⇨[no closed form] <div style = "margin: auto; display: block; text-align: center;"> <strong>⇨ Factorization!</strong> </div> ??? But we still have a multivariate distribution with no closed-form. The trick is to apply the same strategy as for the joint distribution and to specify it as a product of conditional distributions. - - - -- For example `\begin{align} p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_1}, \mathbf x_2, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_3(t)}, \mathbf x_4(t) \mid \boldsymbol\theta) =\, & p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_3(t)} \mid \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_1}, \mathbf x_2, \mathbf x_4(t), \boldsymbol\theta) & \color{var(--nord3)}{\small\text{e.g., GLMM}}\\ & p(\mathbf x_4(t) \mid \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_1}, \mathbf x_2, \boldsymbol\theta) & \color{var(--nord3)}{\small\text{e.g., GLMM}}\\ & p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_1} \mid \mathbf x_2, \boldsymbol\theta) & \color{var(--nord3)}{\small\text{e.g., GLM}}\\ & \color{var(--nord3)}{p(\mathbf x_2 \mid \boldsymbol\theta)} & \color{var(--nord3)}{\small\text{(not needed)}} \end{align}` ??? For example, if we had 4 covariates, `\(x_1\)` and `\(x_3\)` having missing values, and `\(x_1\)` and `\(x_2\)` being baseline covariates while `\(x_3\)` and `\(x_4\)` are time-varying, we could specify the multivariate distribution using this sequence of models. Here I always condition on those other covariates for which I haven't specified a model yet. And when we are smart about the order in which we take the covariates, we can start with the models for time-varying covariates because then we don't need to include those anymore into the linear predictors of the subsequent models for the baseline covariates. This solves our issue with the hierarchical structure of the data. - - - -- <br> <div style="width: 60%; padding: 1.15em 2em; background-color: var(--nord0); margin: auto; display: block; text-align: center; border: solid 2px var(--nord8); border-radius: 10px;"> covariate models \(\neq\) imputation models! </div> ??? An important thing to realize is that these models here are not the imputation models. They are still part of the specification of the joint distribution of all the data. [10:45 min] --- ## Imputation Models <div class = "container"> <div class = "box"> <div class = "box-row"> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord0);">imputation<br>models</div> <div class = "box-cell">\(\propto\)</div> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord0);">joint<br>distribution</div> <div class = "box-cell">\(=\)</div> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord0);">analysis<br>model</div> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord0);">covariate<br>models</div> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord0)">priors</div> </div> </div> </div> <img src = "graphics/Gibbs.png", height = 350; style = "position: absolute; left: 60px; bottom: 80px;"> <div style = "position: absolute; left: 430px; bottom: 250px;"> <span style = "font-weight: bold; color: var(--nord7);">Gibbs sampler</span> </div> ??? The imputation models are then derived as full-conditional distributions from this joint distribution in the same way we do it with the posterior distributions of the parameters, typically using Gibbs sampling, - - - -- <div style = "position: absolute; right: 60px; bottom: 350px;"> MICE / FCS </div> <img src = "graphics/MICE.png", height = 300; style = "position: absolute; bottom: 50px; right: 60px;"> ??? The important difference to the MICE algorithm is that in the Bayesian approach, we do specify the joint distribution and derive the imputation models as full conditionals from this joint distribution. The models are usually much more complex than the ones we specify when using MICE and can provide a sample from the joint distribution of the missing values, even in complex settings. In MICE, we specify the imputation models directly, which means they typically have a relatively simple structure, and they could be incompatible with each other and the analysis model. Hence they may not produce a joint distribution that approximates the correct joint distribution well enough. [11:30 min] --- ## Advantages of the Bayesian Approach `$$p(\mathbf y, \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X}, \boldsymbol\theta) = \bbox[#2E3440, 5pt]{\underset{\text{analysis model}}{\underbrace{p(\mathbf y \mid \color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X}, \color{var(--nord14)}{\boldsymbol\theta_{y\mid x}})}}}\; p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X} \mid \boldsymbol\theta_x)\; p(\color{var(--nord14}{\boldsymbol\theta_{y\mid x}}, \boldsymbol\theta_x)\qquad \color{var(--nord3)}{\text{with } \boldsymbol\theta = (\boldsymbol\theta_{y\mid x}, \boldsymbol\theta_x)}$$` * specification of the joint distribution<br> ⇨ assures **compatibility** of imputation models ??? This is one of the advantages of the Bayesian approach. Because we specify the joint distribution, we can ensure that all imputation models are compatible with each other. - - - -- * use of the analysis model in the specification of the joint distribution<br> ⇨ **parameters of interest** `\(\color{var(--nord14)}{\boldsymbol\theta_{y\mid x}}\)` are estimated directly<br> ⇨ **non-linear associations** are taken into account<br> ⇨ assures **congeniality** ??? And because the analysis model is part of the specification of the joint distribution, we can be sure that the imputation models are also compatible with the analysis model, even when there are non-linear associations with covariates. In addition, the parameters of interest, so the parameters of the analysis model, are directly estimated. We do not have separate steps for imputation and analysis, but everything happens simultaneously in the same procedure. - - - -- * response is not in any linear predictor<br> ⇨ no problem to use **complex outcomes** ??? Because we can specify the joint distribution so that one of the conditional models is the analysis model, we can usually make sure that the outcome does not need to appear in the linear predictor of models for covariates. This makes it possible to use this approach in settings where we have complex outcomes that could not be easily included in the linear predictor of some or all of the covariates. [12:30 min] --- ## In practice: <i class="fab fa-r-project"></i> Package JointAI .footnote[ [<i class = "fas fa-file-alt"></i> Erler et al. (2021)]( [<i class = "fas fa-globe-americas"></i>]( ] <div class = "container"> <div class = "box" style = "margin-left: 20px;"> <div class = "box-row"> <div class = "box-cell" style="width:180px;"> <strong>Specification</strong><br>of the joint<br> distribution: </div> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord0);"> <div style = "padding-bottom: 10px;"> <strong>User</strong></div> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord1); border: 2px solid var(--nord8); ">analysis<br>model</div> </div> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord0);"> <div style = "padding-bottom: 10px;"> <strong>JointAI</strong></div> <div class = "box-row"> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord1);">covariate<br>models</div> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord1)">priors</div> </div></div> </div></div></div> <a href = ""> <img src = "graphics/JointAI.png" style = "position: absolute; right: 62px; top: 117px; width: 165px;"></a> ??? To use this Bayesian approach, for example, to fit the multivariate joint model in the motivating example, you can use the R package JointAI, short for Joint Analysis and Imputation. To specify the joint distribution, the user only has to specify the analysis model of interest, and the software sets defaults for the covariate models and priors. Several different analysis models are available, and the specification is almost the same as for standard functions in R like `lm()` or `glm()`. - - - -- <br> <div class = "container"> <div class = "box" style = "margin-left: 20px;"> <div class = "box-row"> <div class = "box-cell" style="width:180px;"> <strong>Estimation:</strong> </div> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord0);"> <div style = "padding-bottom: 10px;"> <strong>JointAI</strong></div> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord1);">pre-processing</div> </div> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord0);"> <div style = "padding-bottom: 10px;"> <strong>rjags / JAGS</strong></div> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord1);">MCMC sampling</div> </div> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord0);"> <div style = "padding-bottom: 10px;"> <strong>JointAI</strong></div> <div class = "box-cell" style = "background: var(--nord1);">post-processing</div> </div> </div></div></div> ??? The model estimation is done via MCMC with the help of JAGS, an external and freely available software that does Gibbs sampling. [13:15] --- ## Summary Multivariate Joint Models involve * survival outcome ⇨ non-linear association * multi-level data <div style = "position: absolute; right: 60px; top: 150px; width: 25%"> ⇨ difficult to specify \(p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}} \mid \mathbf X_{obs})\) directly </div> ??? In summary, we’ve seen that both the survival component and the hierarchical structure of joint models make it difficult to directly specify the correct distribution from which missing covariate values should be sampled. - - - -- <div class = "sbox" style = "left: 60px;"> <strong>MICE/FCS</strong><br> <ul> <li>approximate \(p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf X_{mis}} \mid \mathbf X_{obs})\) by (direct) sampling from full-conditionals \(p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_k} \mid \cdot)\)</li> </ul> <ul class = "arrowlist"> <li>incompatibility / uncongeniality issues</li> <li>bias</li> </ul> </div> ??? MICE tries to approximate this distribution using the idea of the Gibbs sampler. But because the full-conditionals may not be a good approximation of the correct full conditionals, it has issues with incompatibility and uncongeniality in complex settings and may result in bias. - - - -- <div class = "sbox" style = "right: 60px;"> <strong>Fully Bayesian approach</strong> <ul> <li>specification of the joint distribution via factorization</li> <li>derive \(p(\color{var(--nord15)}{\mathbf x_k} \mid \cdot)\) from the joint distribution</li> </ul> <ul class = "arrowlist"> <li>theoretically valid, compatible & congenial</li> </ul> </div> ??? Using a fully Bayesian approach, we can specify the joint distribution as a sequence of conditional models that gives us a number of advantages. The imputation models are then derived from this joint distribution, resulting in a theoretically valid approach that assures compatibility and congeniality. --- class: the-end, center, middle layout: true count: false # Thank you for your attention! <div class="contact"> <i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> <a href="" class="email"></a>  <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i> N_Erler</a>  <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-github"></i> NErler</a>  <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fas fa-globe-americas"></i></a> </div> --- count: false <script type="text/javascript" async src=""> </script>